Giant Herring in the rivers of Mid Nth Coast

Giant Herring have been my local nemesis in the northern rivers, they seem to appear without warning, smashing poppers and SPs sporadically even in the cooler months. I’ve lost so many I’ve lost count, they either cut the leader with there gill plates, throw the lure or straighten the light weight hooks. They can be feeding alongside GTs and Tailor or just be solitary ambushers.

82cm of speedster

I had a quick cast before lunch today and within 30 metres of the car I found a school that were feeding in water about 1 to 2 metres deep. They were hitting the slow sinking SPs tentatively like bream often do. When they were hooked they took off like a tuna, except they jumped, unfortunately when they jumped they mostly threw the lure back at me. The two I landed didn’t jump, probably why I got them in.

I hooked about 15 Giant Herring and only landed two!

They released quite well and swam away strongly, they are amazing fish and rank as my favourite, these fish were quite big from 72cm to 82cm, I left them feeding as a strong southerly came through, I doubt they will be in the same area tomorrow but you never know…

They are a challenge on light gear.

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